Municipalities of Caorle, Eraclea and Jesolo


A coastal system consisting of a limited size lagoon bordered by a sandbar, reinforced by vertical “groynes” along the coastline and flanked, along the entire length of the coastline, by a large pine forest. Connection to the sea is guaranteed by an artificial opening so the natural dynamics are partially altered. The lagoon area, still relatively untouched, is characterised by shallow, warm and calm waters with sandy bottoms partially covered by communities of marine phanerogams (Zosteretea marinae) and rich in phytoplankton and fauna species.

The site is connected to the presence of priority dunal habitats of particular ecological-naturalistic value. It is one of the 31 Italian sites in which habitat 2130* is present, which on this site reaches a surface equal to 10% of the total surface area occupied by the habitats on a regional scale and 3 % of the surface relative to the north-Adriatic coastal arch. The site also represents one of the 8 sites in the upper Adriatic arch where the habitat 2250* is present, with excellent development potential. The three systems that make up the plant landscape of the Venetian dunes are well represented: the shifting dunes, the stabilised dunes (edafo-xerophilous series) and the humid interdunal lowlands, with both halophilic aspects (morphological mosaic of halophilous communities) and freshwater (edafo-hygrophilous series). The site also hosts species of significant conservation interest such as Stipa veneta *, a priority species of All. II, present in the European Red List of Vascular Plants (EN) and in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species (EN). The inclusion of this site allows conservation actions on most of the species known area in Veneto and on a large part of the total species area.

  • Redevelopment and enlargement (approximately 3,000 sq. m.) of the shifting dune system
  • Redevelopment and extension of the edafo-xerophilous series habitats (action c4) for a total surface of about 220,000 sq. m
  • Strengthening the Stipa veneta* population
  • Manual eradication of Oenothera stucchii from a surface of approximately 67,000 sq. m.
  • Installation of about 6,000 ml of fences and 150 ml of walkways to navigate tourist flows and protect work areas
  • The positioning of descriptive panels about the environment
  • Organisation of guided tours and education and training events
  • Creation of a memorandum of understanding with the local stakeholders the long-term management of sites